Creating the space to imagine


The Intersticia Fellowship was born out of the challenge which John O’Neil gave to Anni Rowland-Campbell in 2013.

John co-created The Good Life in 2007 as the Silicon Valley version of the Aspen Institute, and he saw the potential for Intersticia to seek out a group of people whom she could support, nurture and encourage as emerging leaders for the digital age.Every few years we bring our Fellows together from wherever they are in the world to connect, learn and explore how they can collaborate and connect to enhance and expand the impact of their work. In the interim we hold numerous other events for Fellows and Founders in Australia and the UK to work together as a community.

Our first Leadership Retreat was held at Goodenough College, London from the 25th of June to the 1st of July, 2018.  In June / July 2020 due to Covid19 we held our first Virtual Retreat. In June 2021 our Fellows and Founders came together at Schumacher College, Devon. In September 2023 our Fellows and Advisors met at Darwin Lakes Village in the Peak District.Fellows come from all walks of life and our goal is to help them lead Humanity through the challenges of the Twenty First Century.
Intersticia Fellows and Scholars
Berivan Esen
Director | Doughton Scholar 2016 – 2018
/ People
Nick Byrne
Director | Leadership Scholar 2018 – 2020
/ People
“To be a human being is to have the almost unique opportunity of getting to know oneself and the world in which one lives”

Ervin Laszlo
Who We’ve Worked With