Oliver Smith-Wellnitz is an Australian born Circus Artist turned Web Developer and Drag Queen.
Having dedicated a significant portion of life to his passions in circus Oliver started his transition into tech and software development at the coding bootcamp Founders and Coders (FAC). This peer-led course was transformational, gifting him experiences in mentoring, course facilitation, working with charities and developers in Gaza, and importantly - his first connection with Intersticia.
Throughout this time Oliver continued to perform, but now does so as his drag persona, Aubrey Wodonga. Over five years into his drag journey Aubrey has been lucky to grace many stages, both physical and digital and become a key part of Oliver’s artistic and personal journey.
Currently working in a startup during the week and performing in drag on the weekends, Oliver thrives in the spaces where diverse fields converge and is excited to see where they all take him.