Our focus is on developing and supporting emerging
Twenty-First Century Stewards

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/ mission
To provide support and resources to individuals who share a vision of caring for our World and all who live in it
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/ Vision
To create a space to imagine
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Authenticity, integrity, persistence, courage and grace. We look for these in our Fellows, the partners we choose, and any projects we support
/ How We Work
Intersticia UK is governed by our Board of Directors, and we seek advice from a network of supporters around the globe.
We work with like-minded individuals and organisations through collaborative partnerships.
In Australia, we work through the Intersticia Foundation
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/ initiatives
We explore, we empower, we nurture
We explore, we empower, we nurture and support individuals and projects through grants, sponsorships, donations and events
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/ What we look for
We seek the Explorers
We seek out the Explorers, individuals who are prepared to challenge the status quo and see the world anew. We seek out dynamic projects that exist between the excitement of ideas and reality of execution. We do this by developing a fellowship of emerging leaders and working with current innovators and their organisations to support new initiatives
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We are creative and imaginative
We work in the interstice, that space where everything is as yet undetermined, anything is possible and where creativity and imagination are paramount
“If you believe that people are essentially good it implies that engagement and resistance are worthwhile, and it imposes an obligation to act”

Rutger Bregman
/ work
Projects and initiatives
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/ what we support
Examples of things we will consider supporting:
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Projects which provide the opportunity for individuals to develop their own leadership skills and capabilities
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Projects which support the core premise of the organisation but which complement the above
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Projects which others may not initially see the benefit in supporting, but where we can see the importance of imagination to create new and innovative outcomes
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/ what we don’t support
Examples of areas we do not support:
Political campaigns and legislative lobbying efforts
Building or capital campaigns
Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes
“The role of Philanthropy is to do the very tough things. The easy stuff can be solved by government and others”

Bill Gates